Shoot for the Troops had another incredible year holding two events in 2022 at the LeBlanc’s Rice Creek Game Farm near Little Falls Minnesota and Wild Wings of Oneko near Hugo Minnesota. We extend our gratitude to our many sponsors, volunteers, participants and supporters. Both events included a sporting clays shoot, games, give-a-ways and tributes to the men and women who serve or have served in our country’s military. Both events also featured a wild game banquet dinner which has been a highlight of the events.
In these difficult financial times, we are so pleased that we are still seeing unbelievable support for these two events. There are so many worthy charities that at times we forget the folks that protect us every day from foreign threats, natural disasters and civil unrest. Our Soldiers, Sailors, Airman and Marines are in many cases our first line of defense. Many leaving their jobs for the call to arms and support, often creating hardship for their families.
The recipients of these funds are funneled through organizations such as Minnesota Military Family Foundation, Disabled American Veterans (DAV) and other 501(c)3 organizations that support our military active-duty members and or veterans. Funds have also gone directly to military families that are in immediate need of assistance.
Again, we extend our thanks to all who have participated and donated in past events. Please mark your calendars for the Shoot for the Troops 2023 events: Tuesday August 15th at Wild Wings of Oneka and Tuesday September 12th at LeBlanc’s Rice Creek Game Farm. Both promise to be fun and inspiring; you may even see a few new twists and surprises. Please visit us at to stay current on our upcoming events and opportunities.

A few of the organizations Shoot for the Troops presented checks to in 2022 were:
$47,500 to the Minnesota Military Family Foundation (MMFF)
$10,000 to Veteran Valor Farm
$3,500 to Recovery Community Network
$5,000 to St. Cloud Stand Down